Thursday, February 18, 2021

Keep It Together // February 2021

This year is already flying. Help!

Hello All! It's time for Keep It Together! :) Woohoo!

I am excited to post today with Lauren at Shooting Stars Mag and Rebecca Jo from Knit by God's Hand for our Keep It Together linkup!

If you're new here, this is our linkup for all things planners, memory keeping, and journalling. Please feel free to join us on the third Thursday of the month with any posts that fall into those categories! :)

Planning & Goals:

DIY Planner - RIP to my beautiful DIY planner. Scalawag (our pirate cat) knocked over an entire 24 oz glass of water onto many of my items I keep around. 

And the planner was a sad casualty. I will likely do something with it... but for now... I am defaulting to the moon phase planner that I purchased, but arrived a little bit late to start the year with.

Moon Planner 

Here are some glimpses into my moon planner. I got it from Nikki Strange in the UK. I always love her designs, so I was super excited to see that she made a planner as well. I also bought her cosmic flow book... which I have not dove into yet.

The planner has all of the normal planner basics that you would expect, but also has information about moon phases in general and some planning information to start your year. It also includes dates of the full moons and new moons.

Each month you will get a new moon intention setting page, and a full moon reflection page, as well as other prompts to reflect on as the moon phases go along. I like that this also focuses on which house the moon is in each month.

So far, it's been interesting and works for my "new normal" planning. I'd like to get more into it as we go.

Will keep away from the cat. *sigh*

Memory Keeping:

I am not doing a ton of scrapbooking yet this year, but I did make two gift albums for my MIL and SIL for Christmas, and I can't wait to share them with you here next month! :) 

I am having issues with my phone storage and uploading photos and videos to youtube and my computer, so hopefully I can get this all up in March! :) 
Up Next:

More work in my planner, more research on planning by the moon, and hopefully some scrapbooking in there! I really need to take some time to re-organize my supplies!! So that probably comes first! 

What are you guys up to?


