Ah summer, time to read!
I've made 2 rough summer reading lists: the ambitious list and the lite list.
The Ambitious Summer Reading List

1) This Side of Paradise By F. Scott Fitzgerald
Started this once, and really loved it. Then I got busy and didn't have time to finish. I hope to get back into it this summer.
2) Mermaids: The Myths, Legends, & Lore By: Skye Alexander
A (so far) awesome book filled with history and legends about mermaids. It gives you a look at where the mythology came from, all of the details recorded about mermaids, legends and tales from around the world by continent. I have always loved mythology and folktales and especially mermaids, so I am having a lot of fun with this book. I am learning a lot about the history and cultures of the places featured as well.
BECAUSE WE BOOKED A CRUISE TO THE MARITIME PROVINCES! (I'm not really excited or anything.)
4) Grayson By: Lynne Cox
Just got this one. It's about a woman who is swimming in the ocean when she realizes she is swimming with a baby whale. She knows that if she swims to the beach the whale will beach and die. So she helps it search for it's mother. Supposedly a true story. The only thing that I love more than mermaids, is whales.
5) Rebecca By: Daphne DuMaurier
Look familiar from my 2010 summer book list?? ;) A gothic romance from the 1930's. Very creepy for the time. About 100 pages left and so far it's really depressing but simultaneously intriguing and I really want to check it off my list, so hopefully I can finish it!
6) Curly Girl: The Handbook (second addition) By: Lorraine Massey
A handbook on curly hair that helps you identify the type of curly hair that you have and gives you specific tips on how to fight frizz, wash it, etc plus which products to use and how you make your own. I hope that this helps my hair, because it's been kinda angry recently :S.
This was a book that I saw at the Discovery Store and wanted as a kid. There was also a similar one and I could only afford one of the two. I thought I would never find it again, but I did! :) It is a book of exercises and quizzes that theoretically give you insight into your personality. I find it interesting even though it's more fun than accurate.
8) Evangeline By: Ben Farmer
A book based on an epic poem based on Canadian Maritime Province history. Did that make sense? It's about the extreme deportation of Acadians (Canadian citizens who immigrated from specific parts of France) from the Maritime Provinces (see book #3 on my list) back to France, to Georgia and later to Louisiana. I started to learn some history of the area when we decided on our trip, only to find that I already had a novel based on the topic! Crazy.
This is a new-agey sort of book that is based on culture, spirituality and mythology of heroines around the world. Not my typical sort of book, but it sounds really interesting. I always enjoy learning about new topics and ideaology so I am sure this will be really fun for me.
Summer Reading List Lite

The same list minus the F. Scott Fitzgerald (#1) and the Who Are you book (#7).
Either way, we'll see how far I get! I will probably end up reading a bunch of other things and only half of these, but it's good to have goals. Goals and books.
What is on your summer reading list?
Have you read any of the ones on mine? What did you think?
Have you ever been to Canada's Maritime Provinces?
All for now,
Either way, we'll see how far I get! I will probably end up reading a bunch of other things and only half of these, but it's good to have goals. Goals and books.
What is on your summer reading list?
Have you read any of the ones on mine? What did you think?
Have you ever been to Canada's Maritime Provinces?
All for now,
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